Publication information
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Source: Norwich Bulletin
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “Persecuted by Neighbors, Limbach Kills Himself”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Norwich, Connecticut
Date of publication: 9 February 1910
Volume number: 52
Issue number: 34
Pagination: 1

“Persecuted by Neighbors, Limbach Kills Himself.” Norwich Bulletin 9 Feb. 1910 v52n34: p. 1.
full text
Caspar Limbach (death); McKinley assassination (related tragedies); Caspar Limbach; lawlessness (mob rule: Pittsburgh, PA).
Named persons
Caspar Limbach; William McKinley.


Persecuted by Neighbors, Limbach Kills Himself


Had Been Hounded Since the Assassination of McKinley.

     Pittsburg [sic], Feb. 8.—Sending a bullet into his head today, Caspar Limbach, a German decorator, put himself beyond the alleged persecution of his neighbors since the assassination of William McKinley.
     In September, 1901, while McKinley lay mortally wounded at Buffalo, Limbach, because of his alleged fiery remarks, is said to have become the object of persecution in the various communities of the South Side. Repeatedly he was beaten and driven from one borough to another. Once in Beltzhoover, a noose was placed around his neck upon his refusal to retract remarks he was alleged to have made, but not until it was tightened and he saw he was about to be jerked into the air over the arm of a telegraph pole, did he announce publicly his apologies.
     Within the past few weeks Limbach’s mind began to give way and he became obsessed with a fear that his enemies would confine him to an asylum. He was released from a hospital but a short while ago.



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