Publication information
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Source: New York Press
Source type: newspaper
Document type: letter to the editor
Document title: “Wants Sledge Hammer Blows”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: New York, New York
Date of publication: 21 September 1901
Volume number: 14
Issue number: 5043
Pagination: 6

“Wants Sledge Hammer Blows.” New York Press 21 Sept. 1901 v14n5043: p. 6.
full text
New York Press; New York Journal.
Named persons


Wants Sledge Hammer Blows

To the Editor of The Press:
     Sir—No one notices with greater joy than myself the pounding you are giving daily to that cesspool of journalistic filth—the New York Journal. Keep it up, dear Mr. Editor, and let each stroke of your sledge hammer be more vigorous than the one that went before, until that breeder of anarchism, that deadly cause of those dastardly bullets, that caterer to the bestial life of human nature, is driven from the commun[i]ty.

    New York city [sic], Sept. 19.  


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