Publication information

New-York Tribune
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “Says He Tried to Save M’Kinley”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: New York, New York
Date of publication: 23 March 1907
Volume number: 66
Issue number: 22042
Pagination: 8

“Says He Tried to Save M’Kinley.” New-York Tribune 23 Mar. 1907 v66n22042: p. 8.
full text
James B. Parker; James B. Parker (mental health).
Named persons
Leon Czolgosz; William McKinley; James B. Parker.

Says He Tried to Save M’Kinley


Insane Negro Arrested in Atlantic City Told Story in Streets.

     Atlantic City, March 22.—A burly Negro, who says he is James Parker, who risked his own life in an attempt to save President McKinley when the latter was assassinated by Czolgosz at Buffalo, was arrested here to-night in a demented condition. Parker wandered about the streets all day, creating crowds by standing on corners and stelling [sic] his story. Police surgeons say he is unquestionably insane, and friends here attribute his condition to fast living as a consequence of the honors showered upon him.