Publication information

Reading Eagle
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “Anarchists Still Cheer Czolgosz”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Reading, Pennsylvania
Date of publication: 6 December 1901
Volume number: 34
Issue number: 313
Pagination: 5

“Anarchists Still Cheer Czolgosz.” Reading Eagle 6 Dec. 1901 v34n313: p. 5.
full text
anarchists (Chicago, IL); McKinley assassination (public response: anarchists); McKinley assassination (sympathizers).
Named persons
Leon Czolgosz; Abraham Isaak; William McKinley.

Anarchists Still Cheer Czolgosz

     Chicago: President McKinley’s assassin was again cheered publicly. A challenge from the platform that anarchists dared not condone the crime at Buffalo was met with a vigorous “you’re a liar.” Abraham Isaak, the leader of the “Reds” in this city, and editor of “Free Society,” declared openly he could not condemn the assassin’s act. It was the climax of the debate on “Socialism vs. anarchy,” and came when the audience of over 1,000 had been aroused thoroughly by wild oratorical denunciations.
     “Hurrah for Czolgosz,” shouted a man in the gallery, swinging his hat above his head. Hisses, jeers, yells of applause and catcalls came from all parts of the house. The crowd rose to its feet and a riot was narrowly averted.