Publication information

Summit County Beacon
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “Akron People”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Akron, Ohio
Date of publication: 12 September 1901
Volume number: none
Issue number: 22
Pagination: 5

“Akron People.” Summit County Beacon 12 Sept. 1901 n22: p. 5.
Charles F. Billow; McKinley assassination (persons present on exposition grounds); Ida M. Billow; McKinley assassination; Charles F. Billow (public statements); McKinley assassination (public response: Buffalo, NY); Buffalo, NY (police department); Buffalo, NY (impact of assassination).
Named persons
Charles F. Billow; William McKinley.

Akron People

     C. F. Billow of this city was near the building in which the president was shot last Friday.
     Mr. Billow, accompanied by his wife, was in the crowd whhich [sic] witnessed the entrance of President McKinley, when he returned from Niagara Falls and prepared to shake hands with the thousands of expectant people in the Temple of Music. They walked down to the Temple of Music, but owing to the large crowd did not attempt to enter, and remained in a building near, looking at an exhibit. When the word came that the president had been shot they went out into the crowd and saw the president carried out and placed in the ambulance.
     To a Beacon Journal reporter Mr. Billow said Monday that he never saw people so infuriated, as they anxiously waited for news concerning the president.

Scenes Indescribable.

     “The scenes on the streets that night were indescribable,” said Mr. Billow. “There must have been 10,000 people around the prison where the assassin was placed, and I believe that the entire police force could not have prevented the crowd from getting into the prison and tearing the assassin limb from limb, if President McKinley had died. They seemed to be only waiting for news to come of his death, and it required the united efforts of almost the entire police force to keep them back of the ropes which were stretched around the prison.
     “The newspapers issued extras every 15 minutes, and the newsboys could not get papers fast enough to supply the anxious people. For a time the people at the exposition could not realize that the crime had been committed, but when they finally saw that the report was true, the business of the exposition was over for the day. The midway attractions all closed, and the large crowds wandered aimlessly about or broke up into small groups, discussing the awful affair.
     “When we left Buffalo the people of the city were in a hopeful mood, the bulletins issued every little while having a reassuring effect, and everybody seems to feel that the danger is over.”