Publication information

St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “He Abused the President”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: St. Louis, Missouri
Date of publication: 7 September 1901
Volume number: 54
Issue number: 17
Pagination: 3

“He Abused the President.” St. Louis Post-Dispatch 7 Sept. 1901 v54n17: p. 3.
full text
William McKinley (detractors); McKinley assassination (personal response).
Named persons
William McKinley; Frank Price.

He Abused the President


Drunken Man Fiercely Pounded by Indignant Hearers.

     NEW YORK, Sept. 7.—Detective Frank Price of the central office had all he could do on a Fourth avenue electric car at Fortieth street last night to protect a half drunken man who denounced President McKinley. The man, speaking in a loud voice, said many harsh things of the wounded President. Several men standing on the rear of the car asked the man to not only stop cursing, but to stop denouncing the President.
     “I have done as much good for this country as McKinley has,” the man declared. “If I were shot there wouldn’t be any hue and cry.”
     “Well, you have done all the good you are going to do,” one of his hearers said, and struck the man full in the face.
     Before the man could strike back, as he started to do, half a dozen men had pounced upon him. He was pulled down and was being kicked and beaten when Detective Price, who was on the front of the car, came to his assistance. The car was stopped, and Price, aided by the motorman, fought the men back. The man finally succeeded in making his escape.