Publication information
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Source: St. Paul Globe
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “Detegtive [sic] Ireland”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: St. Paul, Minnesota
Date of publication: 8 September 1901
Volume number: 24
Issue number: 251
Part/Section: 1
Pagination: 7

“Detegtive [sic] Ireland.” St. Paul Globe 8 Sept. 1901 v24n251: part 1, p. 7.
full text
Samuel R. Ireland (public statements); William McKinley (protection); McKinley assassination (Samuel R. Ireland account); Samuel R. Ireland.
Named persons
Leon Czolgosz [misspelled three different ways below]; George F. Foster; Albert Gallaher [misspelled below]; Samuel R. Ireland; William McKinley; John G. Milburn.


Detegtive [sic] Ireland


Shots Were Fired as Mr. McKinley Extended His Hand to Greet the Murderous Anarchist.

     BUFFALO, Sept. 7.—In an interview Secret Service Detective Ireland, who, with Officers Foster and Gallagher were near the president when the shots were fired, said:
     “It is incorrect, as has been stated, that the least fear of an assault was entertained by the presidential party. Since the Spanish war the president hos [sic] traveled all over the country and has met people everywhere. In Canton he walks to church and down town [sic] without a sign of secret service men of any kind as his escort. In Washington he walks about the White House grounds, drives out freely, and has enjoyed much [freedom?] from the presence of detectives.
     “It has been my custom to stand back of the president and just to his left so that I could see the right hand of every person approaching, but yesterday I was requested to stand opposite the president so that Mr. Milburn could stand to the left and introduce the people who approached. In that way I was unable to get a good look at everyone’s right hand.
     “A few moments before Czogolzs approached a man came along with three fingers of his right hand tied up in a bandage and he had shaken hands with his left. When Czologsz came up I noticed he was a boyish-looking fellow with an innocent face, perfectly calm, and I also noticed that his right hand was wrapped in what appeared to be a bandage. I watched him closely, but was interrupted by the man in front of him, who held on to the president’s hand an unusually long time. The man appeared to be an Italian, and wore a short, heavy black mustache. He was persistent, and it was necessary for me to push him along so that the others could reach the president. Just as he released the president’s hand and as the president was reaching for the hand of the assassin there were two quick shots. Startled for a moment, I looked and saw the president draw his right hand up under his coat, straighten up, and, pressing his lips together, gave Czolgsz the most scornful and contemptuous look possible to imagine.
     “At the same time I reached for the young man, caught his left arm. The big negro standing just back of him and who would have been next to take the president’s hand, struck the young man in the neck with one hand, and with the other reached for the revolver, which had been discharged through the handkerchief, and the shots from which had set fire to the linen.
     “Immediately a dozen men fell upon the assassin and bore him to the floor. While on the floor Czologsz again tried to discharge the revolver, but before he could point it at the president it was knocked from his hand by the negro. It flew across the floor and one of the artillerymen picked it up and put it in his pocket.
     “On the way down to the station Czologsz would not say a word, but seemed greatly agitated.”


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