Publication information

Schulenburg Sticker
Source type: newspaper
Document type: editorial
Document title: none
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Schulenburg, Texas
Date of publication: 12 September 1901
Volume number: 8
Issue number: 6
Pagination: [2]

[untitled]. Schulenburg Sticker 12 Sept. 1901 v8n6: p. [2].
full text
Secret Service (criticism).
Named persons
George B. Cortelyou [misspelled below].


     Secretary Cortelyon has issued a statement exonerating the secret service detective employed to guard from anarchist cranks and imbeciles, the president while at Buffalo. The people however, while appreciating the graciousness of the Secretary’s inclination to contribute to comfort of the deservedly chagrined detectives, will accept the exoneration with a great grain of salt. That any one pretending to be an ordinarily intelligent deciple [sic] of the profession, should have permitted a man with his hand concealed in bandage to have approached the president, without knowing positively that danger did not lurk in the concealment is an unpardonable reflection upon the sagacity of those who are the self-constituted leaders of American detectives. There is not a marshal or constable or ranger in Texas who would not have recognized the hidden hand as a possible ill omen. What would a man with an injured member want in such a crowd as always collects on such occasions? The alleged detectives should be placed in charge of the chickens in the White House back yard.