Publication information
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Source: Sunday Star
Source type: newspaper
Document type: column
Document title: “Around the City”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Washington, DC
Date of publication: 5 May 1912
Volume number: none
Issue number: 18848
Part/Section: 2
Pagination: 1

“Around the City.” Sunday Star 5 May 1912 n18848: part 2, p. 1.
William McKinley (popular culture).
Named persons
Leon Czolgosz [misspelled below].
This Sunday installment of Evening Star has two issue numbers, 18848 and 370. The former represents the newspapers’s overall enumeration (i.e., counting all days of the week) while the latter represents the Sunday-specific enumeration.


Around the City [excerpt]

     A dray filled with trash stood before an F street [sic] store, and a colored man lumbering up from the basement with a bag of more trash on his back showed that the store’s head was a working member of the clean city league.
     The dray was heaped high with broken boxes, slabs of pasteboard, crumpled wrapping paper and—and everything like that—and propped up behind the driver’s seat was a half-life-sized photograph in a tarnished frame. The glass was cracked and the paper beneath followed the broken lines with snuff-brown ridges of dust. There were brown and gray rosettes of mildew scattered over the once white mat and a cobweb draped one corner of the frame.
     Hundreds of people scurried by in the couple of minutes that a woman paused to watch, but if they saw the picture they paid no attention.
     But the picture itself seemed to have seeing eyes that were sad with the premonition of the death that was to come to its original—and of the forgetfulness that was so soon to follow.
     And yet it seems only the other day that one Czolgoz fired a shot at Buffalo that was heard around the world.



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