Kansas Agitator (Garnett, KS)
[newspaper] |
“Foolish Talk.” 13 Sept. 1901 v12n15: p. [4]. VIEW
McDill, Jo. “Jo McDill’s Musings.” 8 Nov. 1901 v12n23: p.
Kansas City Medical Index-Lancet [journal] |
[advertisement]. Apr. 1902 v23n3: p. 165. VIEW
Christison, J. Sanderson. “Epilepsy, Responsibility and the Czolgosz
Case.” Jan. 1902 v23n1: pp. 10-17. VIEW
Kansas City Star (Kansas City, MO)
[newspaper] |
“Starbeams.” 17 Sept. 1901 v21n365: p. 6. VIEW
Kansas Optimist (Jamestown, KS) [newspaper] |
[untitled]. 19 Sept. 1901 v7n4: p. [4]. VIEW
Kansas Staats-Zeitung (Kansas City, KS)
[newspaper] |
[untitled]. 4 Oct. 1901 v7n46: p. 1. VIEW
Keep God in American History [book] |
Atwood, Harry F. “William McKinley’s Sublime Trust in God.” Chicago:
Laird and Lee, 1919: [no pagination]. VIEW
Keowee Courier (Walhalla, SC) [newspaper] |
“The Late William M’Kinley.” 18 Sept. 1901 v52n38: p. 1. VIEW
“Mrs. McKinley, the Invalid Wife of the Murdered President.” 18 Sept.
1901 v52n38: p. 1. VIEW
Key-Notes of Optimism [book] |
Laufer, Calvin Weiss. “The Father’s Friendship Never Faileth” [chapter
29]. Boston: Sherman, French, 1911: pp. 144-47. VIEW
Kindergarten Review [journal] |
Noerr, Catherine R. “Celebration of McKinley’s Birthday.” Mar. 1902
v12n7: p. 442. VIEW
The King Alfred Millenary [book] |
Bowker, Alfred. “Chapter II.” London: Macmillan, 1902: part 2, pp.
56-84. VIEW
Bowker, Alfred. “Chapter II.” London: Macmillan, 1902: part 3, pp.
155-65. VIEW
Kinsley Graphic (Kinsley, KS) [newspaper] |
“Cheered the Name of Czolgosz.” 13 Dec. 1901 v26n3: p. [6].
Kitchen Visits with the Muses [book] |
Wilder, Cordelia Beardsley. “McKinley, Our Fallen President.” Coventry:
[n.p.], 1902: p. 80. VIEW
Wilder, Cordelia Beardsley. “Our Martyr-President—McKinley.” Coventry:
[n.p.], 1902: p. 13. VIEW
Knoxville Sentinel (Knoxville, TN)
[newspaper] |
“Attempt to Rob the Grave.” 24 Sept. 1901 v15n229: p. 4. VIEW
“Senator Penrose’s Wild Ride to Attend Funeral.” 18 Sept.
1901 v15n224: p. 1. VIEW
Kootenai Herald (Bonners Ferry, ID)
[newspaper] |
“Milburn’s Home.” 20 Sept. 1901 v11n12: p. [2]. VIEW