Publication information
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Source: Confessions of a Journalist
Source type: book
Document type: book chapter
Document title: “Anarchism and Anarchists” [chapter 2]
Author(s): Healy, Chris
Second edition
Chatto and Windus
Place of publication: London, England
Year of publication:
Pagination: 19-27 (excerpt below includes only pages 26-27)

Healy, Chris. “Anarchism and Anarchists” [chapter 2]. Confessions of a Journalist. 2nd ed. London: Chatto and Windus, 1904: pp. 19-27.
excerpt of chapter
anarchism (personal response); anarchism (criticism).
Named persons
Jacques Clément; Leon Czolgosz [misspelled below]; Luigi Luccheni [misspelled below]; William McKinley; François Ravaillac.
From title page: By Chris Healy, Author of “The Endless Heritage,” etc.


Anarchism and Anarchists [excerpt]

     But in the case of Lucchini there were no circumstances to show that the crime was due to revenge. The murderer cowardly killed a lady whose misfortunes might have won pity from the greatest enemies of the Hapsburgs. This terrible [26][27] series of assassinations—which began with Ravaillac and Jacques Clément and ends with Lucchini and Czolgotz, the assassin of McKinley, shows that society has no protection against a fool, a madman, or a fanatic. These men never reason that, a King murdered, a Prime Minister assassinated, others take their place, and that, if those of their opinions were formerly chastised with whips, they will now be chastised with scorpions.
     The fault of the Anarchist lies in that he wishes to begin an ideal society before the human race has evolved into a fit state to receive it. He wishes to take the last step first; and, although the millennium can never be begun with the imperfect education of to-day, he would begin an earthly paradise with an unfit human nature, which would wear its wings as awkwardly as the Tsar holds out his olive-branch to the nations. The average man does not view Anarchism and Anarchists with a kindly eye. Their philosophy is above him, and he views with horror the bad logic of those men who preach peace and yet commit outrage, and he absolutely refuses to be terrorized into perfection. Whatever progress is made by Anarchist philosophy among thinkers will be nullified, and a feeling of horror against deeds such as those of Lucchini and Czolgotz will take its place in their hearts.



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