Interior Agency [excerpt]
For more than ten years
the Society has maintained a colporter among the Polish population
of Cleveland and Detroit. It was here that the unfortunate assassin
of President McKinley was reared, and received the little learning
he possessed in a Romanish parochial school; served a ward boss,
aided in stuffing ballot boxes and terrorizing honest voters; in
fact, received the training which is making our worst criminals.
Our colporter writes as follows:
“My field is among the Polish
population, who number about 80,000 souls. I visited 5,548 families
during the year as a missionary colporter, and spoke of personal
religion in all but 25 of these homes. I estimate that 1,000
of the homes that I visited were Protestants, regular in church
attendance and living in the spirit of Christ; 625 families
claimed to be Protestants, but did not attend either public
worship or religious instruction at any church or mission; and
850 claimed to be Roman Catholics, but seldom or never went
to mass or communed. The other 3,073 were utterly indifferent
to religion or hostile to it. Their meeting places are beer
halls, where infidelity and anarchy seem to be the sentiment,
if not the expression, of the orators who hold forth and emphasize
their addresses with profanity. They are all laboring people,
working in oil refineries, railroad shops, on the streets, and
doing any odd jobs they can find. Brought up in a country that
had few schools for working people, they are very illiterate.
Catechised in the Roman faith only, they are ignorant of truths
common to all average Bible readers. Bigotry, intolerance and
superstition rule their minds most pitifully. They have lectures,
if it is not an absurdity to call such garrulous nonsense as
is to be heard there by so dignified a name. Befuddled with
beer, hundreds of women and men will cheer to the echo of the
wildest, most unreasonable and foolhardy statements made by
men who have no more idea of religion than a Patagonian savage.
Yet such people presume to discuss economical subjects, matters
that are worthy of the most careful investigation, requiring
the study of the best minds through the ages; denouncing all
who differ with them as rogues, fools and tyrants. Yet these
conceited declaimers are more ignorant of the history of this
country, and even of the land in which they were born, than
many little school children attending our public schools. All
that is needed to destroy their influence is to get the Polish
children into the public schools and bring among them Bible
knowledge and plain, every-day facts. My experience is that
if I can only get time to explain to these people truths so
plain that every one ought to know and admit them, and so evident
as to admit of no controversy, they are easily won. One old
man said to me: ‘The Church and State, both, taxed us into poverty
and left us in ignorance; we fled here from their tyranny. Shall
we buy Bibles and nourish another serpent to sting our hearts?’
I asked him if he knew what was the oldest question that
had troubled man? He shook his head. ‘It is how to live
together and live in peace,’ I replied. ‘Jesus answered
it by giving us the Golden Rule, which is, Do ye unto others
as ye would have others do unto you.’ The Bible is composed
of illustrations explaining and enforcing the benefits of obeying
and living this law, or the awful consequences of violating
and neglecting it. If every one loved God and his neigh- [103][104]
bor, the world would become a heaven. The Bible gives us advice
which we ought to constantly study, and every day pray to be
helped to obey and assimilate.’ I opened my Bible and read to
him that it was sin and the violation of the Golden Rule that
brought on national calamities, and that that was the serpent
that stung men’s hearts, not God’s religion. He was so impressed
that he took to Bible reading, and recently has been attending
a Sunday-school.
“Cleveland is a city filled with
people engaged in honest labor and large producers of all things
which add to the comforts and happiness of the human race. It
is thought that about one-half of its people are foreign by
birth or parentage; this is possibly not an overestimate. The
Americans are largely engaged in the supervision of trade and
the mechanical arts; the laborers, mechanics and their helpers
are mostly composed of foreigners. The churches of all denominations
of Christians are well represented. A great many people are
attendants at churches and a great many children are in the
Sunday-schools, but when they are compared with the men and
women and children that never enter any place of religious instruction
or worship, we have to confess that our city is far from moral
in religious life and worship. This is especially true of the
foreign element of our population: not one out of every ten
individuals of foreign birth or parentage regularly attends
any church or place of worship. The disposition of the foreign
population is to throw off all church restraints, both in the
home and daily life. The common belief of superficial observers
has been that the Roman Catholic churches controlled the foreigners;
this is found to be a mistake. Custom and curiosity bring many
out on fast days and special occasions, but Romanism has no
hold on their judgment or conscience. Change of surroundings,
a skeptical literature, a tyrannical priesthood and worldliness
have wrought sad change of opinion. Women and small children
still attend the Romish mass, and many men still yield a formal
recognition, but within my memory I have not met more than one
or two men who ventured to even hint that they were believers
in the dogmas of Romanism. Literature has much to do with this
falling away in faith and practice; any reformation must make
literature its weapon of attack upon the awful indifference
and unbelief in religion existing in the minds of the foreign
people. We find two distinct classes to be reached: the older
people who read only foreign languages, and the young people
who have learned English in the public schools, together with
indifference from the newspapers. The American Tract Society
has with rare wisdom given us a most excellent and varied literature
in Polish, Bohemian, Slovak, Hungarian and German, which are
spoken by more than 80,000 men and women in Cleveland. I circulate
the Bible in all these languages, and to some extent awaken
interest in many minds in favor of God’s Word, which alone stands
secure amidst the ages. The greater part of my circulation of
religious literature is in German and English. This goes into
the hands of the young people, who are greatly interested in
the religion of the Americans and who want to know more of the
Bible for no other reason than that the Roman priests seem to
be bitterly opposed to their reading it. They are in a receptive
condition. This is a hopeful state, and my labors are to introduce
literature which will explain and illustrate the great doctrines
of Christianity from the standpoint of the Holy Scriptures.
There are some fruits from evangelical labors in churches and
missions of Bohemians, Poles and other foreigners; to lead the
way and help on their influence is my work here. It is a difficult
but hopeful work. A people without religion is a description
that many of the beer-hall agitators, who grow in numbers and
influence with the growth of skepticism, love to give to the
foreigners of Cleveland. In those meetings, where beer flowed
and Sunday was desecrated by drunkenness and profanity, the
wildest theories were advocated; vent was given to all that
was vile and riotous and destructive in an unsanctified nature.
[104][105] It was amongst such
scenes that the wretch Czolgosz got his inspiration in evil
that ended in the assassination of President McKinley. Heaven
only knows how many other crimes were conceived under such promptings.
But the murder of a President opened the eyes of the authorities
and showed what any people without the moral restraint of religion
were likely to become.”