Publication information

American Journal of Nursing
Source type: journal
Document type: proceedings
Document title: “Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Convention”
Author(s): anonymous
Date of publication: January 1902
Volume number: 2
Issue number: 4
Pagination: 303-30 (excerpt below includes only pages 307 and 314)

“Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Convention.” American Journal of Nursing Jan. 1902 v2n4: pp. 303-30.
resolutions (Trained Nurses’ Associated Alumnæ of the United States); resolutions (National Council of Women).
Named persons
Carrie Chapman Catt; Annie Damer; Emma J. Keating; Ida McKinley; William McKinley; S. F. Palmer; Linda Richards.
The excerpt below comprises three nonconsecutive portions of the first day of the proceedings (p. 307, p. 314, and p. 314). Omission of text within the excerpt is denoted with a bracketed indicator (e.g., [omit]).

From page 303: “Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Convention, Buffalo, New York, September 16 and 17, 1901.”

“Fourth Annual Convention of the Trained Nurses’ Associated Alumnæ of the United States, Held in The Woman’s Industrial Union Building, Niagara Square, Buffalo, New York, September 16 and 17, 1901.”

Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Convention

     PRESIDENT.—It is in order before passing to the business of the convention to express our sorrow at the death of the President of the United States, Mr. McKinley. I will ask Miss Richards to present a resolution:
     Miss Richards offered the following resolution:

To Mrs. William McKinley.
     “The members of the Trained Nurses’ Associated Alumnæ of the United States, now in session, desire to express their deepest sympathy for you in your great sorrow.”

     The president asked the members to signify their approval by standing.
     Miss Palmer moved that this resolution be sent by telegram to Mrs. McKinley. This motion was seconded and carried, and the president appointed Miss Damer a committee to put it into execution.


     The following is the report of Miss Keating, the delegate to the National Council of Women:

     “The National Council of Women met at Convention Hall, Buffalo, N. Y., September 11, 12, and 13, 1901.


     “A committee was appointed to draft resolutions of sympathy, good-will, and cheer to President and Mrs. McKinley to present for the sanction of the council at the afternoon meeting, Mrs. Carrie Chapman, chairman.