Publication information

Black and White Budget
Source type: magazine
Document type: editorial column
Document title: “News and Views”
Author(s): anonymous
Date of publication: 19 October 1901
Volume number: 6
Issue number: 106
Pagination: 98-101 (excerpt below includes only page 98)

“News and Views.” Black and White Budget 19 Oct. 1901 v6n106: pp. 98-101.
McKinley assassination (international response); McKinley assassination (public response: criticism); lawlessness (mob rule: Buffalo, NY); Leon Czolgosz (incarceration: Buffalo, NY: public response).
Named persons
Leon Czolgosz; William McKinley.

News and Views

I WAS talking the other day to a man who went about the world in search of new sensations. He had happened to be in Buffalo on the night of the President’s assassination, and there he said he got quite enough sensation to last him for a year. The hospital to which Mr. McKinley was carried was near the various side shows, and from the way in which the affair was treated it might have been simply one of these side-shows. A curious, inquisitive, noisy crowd surged in the neighbourhood with little sign of the decency and respect which an English crowd would have observed.


HE moved along that evening to the prison where Czolgosz was confined, and there he saw a sight that he will never forget. The mob were trying to beat back the policemen so as to lynch the assassin, and the expression on the faces of that bloodthirsty crowd was not easy to banish from memory. My friend would not have objected to seeing the actual lynching; he likes a new sensation. But the sight of that crowd was not pleasant, and did not tend to raise his estimate of the average American citizen.