The Problem of Anarchy
As we have said, the execution of Czolgosz will be
neither adequate reparation for the crime nor protection for the
future. The real problem, which ought now to receive determined
and unremitting attention, is how to protect our institutions from
this destructive menace of anarchism which has operated so successfully
in European countries in recent years and found so firm a foothold
here. The air is full of suggestions for drastic remedies, and calls
for vengeance, but the problem is not to be solved so readily. In
protecting liberty, we must not go so far as to destroy it. In driving
out anarchism, we must not erect into law a policy and methods which
later and in other directions can be perverted into instruments
of oppression. We are compelled by the very nature of our institutions
to draw the line between liberty and license. We must preserve the
rights of free speech and free assemblage as necessary safeguards
against despotism, but we must also protect ourselves against such
of the results of this liberty as tend to destroy the only adequate
guarantee of liberty itself—that is, government and law.
The problem is more serious for us
than for any other nation. On the one hand, the United States is
becoming more and more an asylum for anarchistic propagandists driven
from Europe, and, on the other, our constitution will not let us
use the radically drastic measures so easily available in a monarchy.
Anarchy [301][302] is bred under despotic
conditions utterly unlike anything to be found in this country,
but when the anarchist arrives here and sees the forms of government
still in evidence, knowing nothing of the difference in its character
and operation from that he left behind, he takes advantage of the
freer environment to strike the blows he sought to strike at home.
Because of his embittering experience under one type of government,
and ignorance of our own, our very freedom from despotic restrictions
places us at his mercy. Therefore, in his case, we cannot rely on
the broad general safeguards which are ample to secure law and order
with those brought up under our own institutions and conditions.
Special measures become absolutely essential to meet the special