Comments [excerpt]
Kate Austin thinks “it is poor logic,
to say at least, after acknowledging the deed of Luccheni or Bresci
as vital factors in the great movement against all government, that
is sending quaking thrills through every force-propped institution
on earth, to deny that fair-faced rebel who died in the Auburn prison
on October 29, bearing witness with his last breath that he performed
the act ‘for the sake of the good working-people.’” Leaving out
of consideration the Gladstonian style of this sentence, I wish
to say that those who exalt the deed of Luccheni or of Bresci as
a “vital factor” in the struggle for liberty may, with equal justice,
applaud Czolgosz’s act; but men of ordinary intelligence, men who
are not “deep” thinkers, are of the opinion that all acts of violence
do harm to the cause of freedom. But then they may be mistaken;
it may be that ordinary people have no right to express an opinion
of great historical events!
There are all sorts of men in the
world. While some people, Liberals as well as others, are so afraid
of being accused of sympathizing with Czolgosz that they exhaust
their vocabulary in denouncing Anarchy and Anarchists, others fear
that a mere suspicion that they disapprove of the murder of McKinley
would ruin their reputation. Of course, they do not approve of it,
but they are philosophers and understand the “beautiful soul” of
Leon Czolgosz; and so they do not condemn or approve, but “explain.”
Philosophy is a great thing, and ordinary mortals who grope in the
darkness of common sense [sic] must acknowledge their inability
to grasp the “real issue.”