Publication information

Birmingham News
Source type: newspaper
Document type: editorial
Document title: none
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Birmingham, Alabama
Date of publication: 30 September 1901
Volume number: 14
Issue number: 173
Pagination: 4

[untitled]. Birmingham News 30 Sept. 1901 v14n173: p. 4.
full text
Marcus Hanna (public statements); George L. Wellington.
Named persons
Marcus Hanna; William McKinley; George L. Wellington.


     Senator Hanna thus explains the cause of Senator Wellington’s animosity for President McKinley: “Mr. Wellington recommended the appointment of a certain young constituent to a Consulship. Just as the President was about to announce the appointment, Senator Wellington had a quarrel with the candidate’s father and withdrew the recommedation [sic]. President McKinley, however, had told the young man that he would appoint him, and, accordingly did so. Mr. Wellington was bitterly disappointed when he called at the White House to ask that the office be conferred upon another. This was the cause of the antagonism of the Maryland Senator for the late Preident [sic]. I do not think there was any other friction between them.” If this is true it shows Wellington up as a much smaller man than the country supposed him to be. Come to think of it the longer one examines Wellington’s case the more diminutive the disgruntled Maryland Senator grows.