Publication information
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Source: Cleveland Press
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “‘I Am an Anarchist’”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Cleveland, Ohio
Date of publication: 7 September 1901
Volume number: none
Issue number: 7243
Pagination: [2]

“‘I Am an Anarchist.’” Cleveland Press 7 Sept. 1901 n7243: p. [2].
full text
Leon Czolgosz (as anarchist); Leon Czolgosz (friends, acquaintances, coworkers, etc.); Benedict Rosinski (public statements); Leon Czolgosz (as socialist); Anton Zwolinski (public statements).
Named persons
Leon Czolgosz; Benedict Rosinski; Anton Zwolinski.


“I Am an Anarchist”

     “Press” reporters dug up Czolgosz’s record without difficulty and established beyond a doubt the fact that the man was an anarchist. It was learned that he was an associate of active anarchists, an avowed believer in anarchy’s principles and a member of their organizations.
     Rev. Benedict Rosinski, of St. Stanislas church, was the first person asked if he knew Czolgosz.
     “Slightly,” replied the priest. “I had always supposed he was a Catholic and I asked him, about four years ago, for a contribution. He refused to give any. He was pleasant, but he said he had no religion. I remember the incident well, for I was much surprised.
     “‘No,’ Czolgosz said, ‘I have no religion and I don’t believe in churches, so I don’t wish to help them. I AM AN ANARCHIST and you cannot expect me to give anything.’
     “ I told him that I certainly did not, if he were an anarchist, and tried to reason with him. But it was no use. Czolgosz was firm in his stand, and I left him. I saw him a few times after that and invited him to my house, expecting to have an opportunity to drive anarchy out of his head by argument, but he never accepted.
     “While I am no authority on insanity I am firmly convinced that the man was unbalanced. He acted strangely when he talked to me and I heard other persons say he was queer.”

A Socialist, Too.

     Czolgosz was a member of the Sila Socialist club, which met at Tod and Third-sts until it disbanded, three years ago. Sila means force. After that organization went to pieces, Czolgosz joined other anarchist societies, the names of which are unknown. He spent a great deal of his time with known anarchists, talking with them of their doctrines.
     Anton Zwolinski, an upholsterer at 2102 Broadway, knew Czolgosz well.
     “It was no secret that Czolgosz was an anarchist,” Zwolinski said.
     “He and I belonged to the Sila club at the same time. When it broke up he joined some other club, but I don’t know what club it was. He made no secret of his being an anarchist. I always thought the fellow was a little off.”



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