Publication information

Daily Picayune
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “McKinley Memorial”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: New Orleans, Louisiana
Date of publication: 22 September 1901
Volume number: 65
Issue number: 241
Part/Section: 1
Pagination: 2

“McKinley Memorial.” Daily Picayune 22 Sept. 1901 v65n241: part 1, p. 2.
full text
McKinley memorialization.
Named persons
William R. Day; Marcus Hanna; Myron T. Herrick; Abner McKinley; William McKinley; Alexander H. Revell.

McKinley Memorial


Plans to Erect a Monument at Canton, Ohio.

     Chicago, Sept. 21.—The committee recently appointed to determine the advisability of inaugurating a movement for the collection of funds to erect a memorial in Washington, D. C., in honor of President McKinley met at the Union League Club to-day, and decided to hold the matter in abeyance for the present. This action was due to a statement of the chairman of the committee, Mr. Alex. H. Revell, who had conferred with a number of the close friends of the late president, including Judge Day, Senator Hanna, Abner McKinley and Myron T. Herrick. These gentlemen, Mr. Revell said, intended to take steps national in scope for the erection of a monument at Canton, O. As soon as their plans are formulated, the people of the United States generally will have an opportunity to contribute to the proposed memorial. It is the opinion of the committee that no steps should be taken that might in any way conflict with the plans of the gentlemen named.