Publication information

Fort Wayne Sentinel
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “An Artistic Window”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Fort Wayne, Indiana
Date of publication: 18 September 1901
Volume number: none
Issue number: none
Pagination: 2

“An Artistic Window.” Fort Wayne Sentinel 18 Sept. 1901: p. 2.
full text
Carl Probst; People’s Store (Fort Wayne, IN); William McKinley (death: public response: Fort Wayne, IN); William McKinley (mourning: flowers, tokens of grief, etc.).
Named persons
Carl Probst [misspelled below].

An Artistic Window

     Carl Pobst, window dresser at the People’s Store, has arranged a striking tableau portraying the nation’s sorrow in the west window of the big establishment on East Berry street [sic]. The setting of the window is a sombre black and in the center is a dias [sic] upon which is a chair—vacant. The figure of Columbia, robed in white, kneels by the side of the seat in an attitude expressive of deep sorrow. Completing the picture is a laurel wreath tied with purple ribbon, depicting the recognition of great achievements, which lies at the foot of the throne. The window has been the center of interest for large crowds all day and has occasioned much flattering comment.