Publication information
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Source: Friend
Source type: newspaper
Document type: news column
Document title: “Summary of Events”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Date of publication: 28 September 1901
Volume number: 75
Issue number: 11
Pagination: 88

“Summary of Events.” Friend 28 Sept. 1901 v75n11: p. 88.
William McKinley (mourning); Theodore Roosevelt (assumption of presidency); Leon Czolgosz (indictment); anarchism (government response); anarchism (legal penalties).
Named persons
Leon Czolgosz; William McKinley; Theodore Roosevelt.


Summary of Events [excerpt]

     UNITED STATES.—The funeral of the late President took place at Canton, Ohio, on the 19th instant. The sorrow of the people has been strikingly manifested throughout the country. Business was largely suspended during the day, places of worship were attended by great numbers and at the time of the interment railroad trains, street cars and other vehicles were stopped for five minutes in various centers of population. Upon orders from the officials of the different telegraph companies, or upon the common impulse of the operators where direct instructions were not received, the entire telegraph system of the United States was suddenly hushed for five minutes, at 2:30 P. M., the hour set for lowering the President’s body into the grave at Canton. Evidences of sympathy have been shown by perhaps all the civilized nations in the world, and especially by the King and people of Great Britain. The day of the funeral was also observed in India and in China. No evidence has been found that the bullets used by the assassin were poisoned.
     President Roosevelt has announced that “It shall be my aim to continue absolutely unbroken the policy of President McKinley for the peace, prosperity and honor of the country.” Among the subjects which he has expressed himself as favoring is the use of conciliatory methods of arbitration in all disputes with foreign nations, so as to avoid armed strife. These and other utterances have established feelings of confidence in commercial circles, and tended to allay anxiety in this country and elsewhere.
     The assassin of President McKinley, Leon F. Czolgosz, was indicted in Buffalo on the 16th instant for the crime of murder in the first degree. He maintained a sullen silence in the court room.
     In New York city a resolution has been adopted that “any saloon keeper who shall be charged by the police with harboring anarchists, or permitting them to hold meetings in their places of business, and make speeches against the Government and the good order of community, shall be deemed to be not the kind of person to conduct a business of this character, and any person guilty of such an offence shall suffer the revocation of his license and be debarred from again receiving a license to do business in this city.”



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