Publication information

Iowa State Register
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “Another Suspect Arrested”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Des Moines, Iowa
Date of publication: 13 September 1901
Volume number: 46
Issue number: 216
Pagination: 1

“Another Suspect Arrested.” Iowa State Register 13 Sept. 1901 v46n216: p. 1.
full text
Isaac Saylin; McKinley assassination (investigation of conspiracy: Chicago, IL).
Named persons
William S. Bull; Emma Goldman; Abraham Isaak; William McKinley; Francis O’Neill; Leopold Saltiel; Isaac Saylin [misspelled below].

Another Suspect Arrested

     Chicago, Sept. 12.—Acting upon a telegram from Superintendent Bull, of the Buffalo police department, the Chicago police tonight arrested I. Saylim, of Buffalo. The telegram stated that he is a physician. Saylim is said to have admitted to the police that he was in Buffalo at the time President McKinley was shot and attended the exposition that afternoon. He asserts that he does not know Isaak, but that he is acquainted with Miss Goldman. The latter admitted tonight that she knew him. Chief of Police O’Neill is of the opinion that Saylim knows a good deal concerning the attempted assassination of President McKinley, although he protests that he is not an anarchist. Saylim is said to have been much in Emma Goldman’s company during the time she spent in Buffalo and Rochester in July and August. He also met Miss Goldman in court when she was arraigned in Chicago on Wednesday, and carried a message for her to Attorney Saltiel.