Publication information
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Source: Milwaukee Journal
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “Effigy of Assassin Czolgosz Burned by Chicago Newsboys”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Date of publication: 17 September 1901
Volume number: 19
Issue number: none
Pagination: 2

“Effigy of Assassin Czolgosz Burned by Chicago Newsboys.” Milwaukee Journal 17 Sept. 1901 v19: p. 2.
full text
Leon Czolgosz (hanged, burned, etc., in effigy); McKinley assassination (public response: Chicago, IL).
Named persons
Leon Czolgosz.


Effigy of Assassin Czolgosz Burned by Chicago Newsboys

     CHICAGO, Sept. 17.—Last night Czolgosz, the assassin, was burned in effigy at State and Madison streets by the newsboys of Chicago.
     A vast crowd of men and women were gathered and cheer upon cheer mixed with hoarse shouts of: “To h—l with the murderer,” “Down with the anarchists,” rent the air.
     The big public thoroughfare was crowded with people and although the blue and brass of police uniforms could be seen in the crowd no attempt to stem the rancorous vociferation or the burning of the figure was made.
     A man’s image constructed of an old suit of clothes, shoes and hat and a gun was carried up State street by gamins and a nimble legged lad climbed a pole at the corner. The effigy was tied by the neck to a cross piece and set afire. As the flames sprang up a shout of rage against the dastard Czolgosz who might well tremble if he were confined in a Chicago jail, echoed and re-echoed from the sky-scraping buildings and at every fresh burst of flame curses were heaped on the assassin’s head.
     The flames continued to burn for seventeen minutes, but throughout the whole tragedy interest in its consumption did not wane.



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