Publication information

News and Courier
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “Leon Czolgosz, Alias Nieman”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Charleston, South Carolina
Date of publication: 7 September 1901
Volume number: none
Issue number: none
Pagination: 2

“Leon Czolgosz, Alias Nieman.” News and Courier 7 Sept. 1901: p. 2.
full text
Leon Czolgosz; Leon Czolgosz (confession); Emma Goldman (impact on Czolgosz); McKinley assassination (motive).
Named persons
Leon Czolgosz; Emma Goldman.

Leon Czolgosz, Alias Nieman


The Would-be Assassin Signs a Confession—Says He Became an
Anarchist Through the Influence of Emma Goldman—Denies Having
Any Confederates—Has Seven Brothers and Sisters in Cleveland—
He Shows No Signs of Insanity.

     Buffalo, September 6.—The police have just learned that the real name of the would-be assassin is Leon Czolgosz. He was born in Detroit and came here from Cleveland. Czolgosz, the would-be assassin, has signed a confession covering six pages of foolscap, which states that he is an Anarchist, and that he became an enthusiastic member of that body through the influence of Emma Goldman, whose writings he had read and whose lectures he had listened to. He denies having any confederate, and says he decided on the act three days ago and bought the revolver with which the act was committed in Buffalo. He has seven brothers and sisters in Cleveland, and the Cleveland Directory has the names of about that number living on Hosmer street and Ackland avenue, which adjoin. Some of them are butchers and others in different trades. He is now detained at police headquarters pending the result of the President’s injuries. Czolgosz does not appear in the least degree uneasy or penitent for his action. He says he was induced by his attention to Emma Goldman’s lectures and writings to decide that the present form of government in this country was all wrong and he thought the best way to end it was by killing the President. He shows no sign of insanity, but is very reticent about much of his career. While acknowledging himself an Anarchist, he does not state to what branch of the organization he belongs.