Publication information
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Source: Norfolk Landmark
Source type: newspaper
Document type: editorial
Document title: “Information for the Ignorant”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Norfolk, Virginia
Date of publication: 13 September 1901
Volume number: 53
Issue number: 15
Pagination: 4

“Information for the Ignorant.” Norfolk Landmark 13 Sept. 1901 v53n15: p. 4.
full text
Leon Czolgosz (name, pronunciation of).
Named persons
Leon Czolgosz [misspelled once below]; William McKinley.


Information for the Ignorant

     Not being thoroughly familiar with the Polish language, we have been compelled to wait for instruction from our more fortunate contemporaries before undertaking to pronounce the name of the man who shot the President. The instruction is coming in with a rush, but we confess that we are a little embarrassed. The Raleigh News and Observer, for instance, tells us that
     “The pronunciation of the assassin, Czolgocz, is ‘Cholgosh.’”
     But the Roanoke Times says:
     “The name of Czolgosz, the man who shot Mr. McKinley, is pronounced ‘Shollgosch.’”
     While the Richmond Dispatch, ever erudite, presents this scholarly solution:
     “T-s-o-l-g-o-t-s is the pronunciation of the name of the assassin, Czolgosz! Every letter to be sounded as spelt, except the first ‘t.’”
     And the Savannah News is informed by “a Polander resident in that city that
     “As near as the English tongue can say it, the name of the President’s assailant is pronounced ‘Zolgoose,’ with a hiss at the beginning and ending of it.”
     Of these four demonstrations, we may be pardoned for saying that the one furnished by the News and Observer is the simplest, the one furnished by the Times is the sweetest, the one furnished by the Dispatch is the prettiest, and the one furnished by the News is the most appropriate. We agree with our Savannah friend in enjoying the hiss at the beginning and end, and it may be pointed out that “goose” suggests another hiss, if those two are not enough. However, as there is such a wide divergence of authority, most persons will continue to call the assassin “S-s-s” or merely “him.”



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