Publication information

New York Herald
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “Tears in Mr. Roosevelt’s Eyes When He Heard Tragic News”
Author(s): Barrett, John
City of publication: New York, New York
Date of publication: 8 September 1901
Volume number: 66
Issue number: 251
Part/Section: 2
Pagination: 5

Barrett, John. “Tears in Mr. Roosevelt’s Eyes When He Heard Tragic News.” New York Herald 8 Sept. 1901 v66n251: sect. 2, p. 5.
full text
Theodore Roosevelt (informed about assassination); Theodore Roosevelt (at Isle La Motte, VT); McKinley assassination (personal response); Theodore Roosevelt.
Named persons
John Barrett [in notes]; Nelson W. Fisk; William McKinley; Redfield Proctor; Theodore Roosevelt [in notes].
The article is appended with the following authorship note: “John Barrett, former Minister to Siam, who was with Mr. Roosevelt at Isle La Motte when the news of the shooting of the President was received.”

Tears in Mr. Roosevelt’s Eyes When He Heard Tragic News

     “I shall never forget the demeanor of the Vice President when he heard, at Isle La Motte, the news of the shooting of President McKinley. He was called to the telephone in the house of former Governor Fisk. As soon as he realized the meaning of the terrible news a dazed expression, followed by a look of unmistakable anguish, came to his strong face, and tears filled his eyes. He was plainly laboring under deep emotion, and asked Senator Proctor, likewise keenly affected, to make the sad announcement to the waiting crowd outside.
     “The Vice President paced nervously up and down the room, dictated a telegram to Buffalo and waited for more news. When, shortly, the second bulletin followed, saying the President’s wounds were not necessarily fatal, the Vice President exclaimed with sincerest feeling:—‘That’s good—it is good. May it be every bit true,’ and immediately he brushed aside those about him, hastened out on the veranda [sic] and made the reassuring announcement himself.
     “When the Vice Presidential party were en route back to Burlington somebody in all kindness, but thoughtlessly, said:—‘Mr. Vice President, you must be anxious lest on arrival you shall hear that the death of Mr. McKinley has made you President.’
     “Instantly he raised his hand in characteristic gesture and with a pained look said:—‘Do not speak of that contingency. Our one thought and prayer is now for the President, and that he may be spared.’”