Publication information

St. John Daily Sun
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “Canadian Nurse”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: St. John, Canada
Date of publication: 12 September 1901
Volume number: 24
Issue number: 219
Pagination: 3

“Canadian Nurse.” St. John Daily Sun 12 Sept. 1901 v24n219: p. 3.
full text
Maud Mohan; McKinley nurses; Maud Mohan (telegrams).
Named persons
William McKinley; John G. Milburn; Annie G. Mohan; Maud Mohan; Roswell Park.

Canadian Nurse


Miss Maud Mohan, Brockville, Nurse in Charge of President McKinley.

     A Brockville, Ont., despatch [sic] of last Saturday says:—“The fact that a Brockville young lady, Miss Maud Mohan, is the nurse in charge of President McKinley, gives the terrible tragedy even added interest. Miss Mohan only left here yesterday at noon, after spending three weeks’ holidays. She would reach Buffalo last night at 7.30. The fact that she has been selected to fill that important position is an evidence that her ability as a nurse is fully recognized in Buffalo. She graduated from the Buffalo general hospital three years ago and has since been associated with Dr. Roswell Park, one of the leading surgeons of the United States, and one of those in attendance on the president. The following telegram was received this morning by Mrs. Mohan, from her daughter:—

“BUFFALO, Sept. 7, 1901.     
     ‘President resting quietly. I am nurse in charge.

     “When Miss Mohan reached Buffalo that night a carriage was in waiting to convey her to the Milburn residence, to which President McKinley had been removed. She is intimately acquainted with Senator Milburn’s family, having nursed his daughter through a very serious illness.”