Publication information
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Source: Troy Times
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “Reform and Not Revenge”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Troy, New York
Date of publication: 27 February 1917
Volume number: 61
Issue number: none
Pagination: [?]

“Reform and Not Revenge.” Troy Times 27 Feb. 1917 v61: p. [?].
Cornelius V. Collins (public statements); Leon Czolgosz (incarceration: Auburn, NY).
Named persons
Leon Czolgosz; William McKinley.
“Semi-Weekly Edition.”


Reform and Not Revenge [excerpt]

     “I well remember the occasion of the execution of Czolgosz for the assassination of President McKinley. My official duty required that I be present at the execution. There were four other condemned men occupying cells adjacent to the assassin’s and awaiting the date set for their own execution. Each of these men in some way had got possession of a small American flag, and, although they were curtained off from the cell of Czolgosz and could see none of the preparations for his death, yet as soon as they heard the guards unlock his cell and take up the march to the chair each of them forced his arm out between the bars of his cell doors, waving this little flag and calling out: ‘You’re a dirty cur,’ ‘I hope they burn your head off’ and ‘If we could reach you the chair would lose you.’



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