Publication information
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Source: Windham County Reformer
Source type: newspaper
Document type: news column
Document title: “Fire Loss in Montpelier”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Brattleboro, Vermont
Date of publication: 3 February 1905
Volume number: 30
Issue number: 5
Pagination: 6

“Fire Loss in Montpelier.” Windham County Reformer 3 Feb. 1905 v30n5: p. 6.
Leon Czolgosz (photographs); anarchism (Barre, VT); anarchism (West Hoboken, NJ).
Named persons
Leon Czolgosz; William McKinley.
The correct title of the newspaper identified below is Cronaca Sovversiva.

The news column is comprised of several unrelated single-paragraph news stories, only the first of which is related to the column’s title. The excerpt herein constitutes the entirety of the reporting relating to the discovery of the Czolgosz photographs.


Fire Loss in Montpelier [excerpt]

     Some excitement is said to have been caused in Barre by the discovery of a package of photographs of Leon Czolgosz, the assassin of President McKinley, in the ruins of an Italian printing plant burned Jan. 14. The paper printed in the establishment was The Cronta Soverfiva [sic], an anarchist organ, and it is thought at Barre that the office and perhaps, in a broader sense, the Italian district of Barre had become the headquarters for active anarchist promotion in the United States. Upon the back of each of the 100 photographs of Czolgosz was stamped “Circola Studi Sociali, P. O. box No. 158, West Hoboken, N. J., U. S. A.”, which is said to indicate one of the many names of a dangerous anarchist society. Secret service men are reported to be seeking evidence with the hope of breaking up the anarchist societies at West Hoboken and Barre.



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