Publication information

Windsor Ledger
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “Anarchist Blames ‘Journal’”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Windsor, North Carolina
Date of publication: 26 September 1901
Volume number: 17
Issue number: 25
Pagination: [4]

“Anarchist Blames ‘Journal.’” Windsor Ledger 26 Sept. 1901 v17n25: p. [4].
full text
Frederick Siebold (public statements); McKinley assassination (personal response: anarchists); yellow journalism; Hearst newspapers (role in the assassination); New York Journal.
Named persons
William McKinley; Frederick Siebold.
The variation in spelling below (inflame/enflame, weak-minded/weakminded) is in accordance with the original source.

Anarchist Blames “Journal”


Siebold of New Haven Says Its Cartoons Have Inflamed the Weak-Minded.

     Frederick Siebold the Anarchist of this city, said tonight that the Assassination of President McKinley must have been done by som[e] person “whos[e] mind had become inflamed [?]bout the wrongs wrought by monopolists.” He added:
     “The Anarchisists do not band themselvss [sic] together for any such purposes. If they did their o[?]ganization would not last long[.] I believe that the deed was stimulated by what you cali [sic] yellow journalism. You can see that by the course of the New York Journal. You remember the cartoons and sketches that it has had for some which would enflame the weakminded and ignorant to the commission of such deeds. And when the President was dead you can see how it Practically [sic] took back everything that it has said.[”]