Publication information
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Source: Waycross Weekly Herald
Source type: newspaper
Document type: editorial
Document title: “How Many Prayers for Czolgosz?”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Waycross, Georgia
Date of publication: 28 September 1901
Volume number: 22
Issue number: 20
Pagination: [4]

“How Many Prayers for Czolgosz?” Waycross Weekly Herald 28 Sept. 1901 v22n20: p. [4].
full text
McKinley assassination (religious response); Leon Czolgosz (prayer for).
Named persons
Leon Czolgosz; Jesus Christ; William McKinley.


How Many Prayers for Czolgosz?

     The Athens Banner stops to inquire how many prayers have been offered for the president’s assassin in the midst of the many for the dying and dead president?
     Since the assassination millions of prayers have ascended to the mercy seat in behalf of the stricken president of the United States. From the pulpit and the closet, from the business house and the shop, from city and village and country these prayers have ascended to God. No sectional lines restrict them. The plea was universal.
     In the midst of all this praying, how many prayers were offered for Czolgosz, the miserable wretch in his cell in Buffalo? We dare say they were the exception, and the rare exception, too. In the terrible wave of resentment at the deed of the assassin, there has been nothing but condemnation for the anarchist firebrand whose deed has caused much sorrow and apprehension not only in the United States but throughout the civilized world. And yet we fear that the Christian people have for the moment been swept off their firm foundation.
     President McKinley was a devout Christian gentleman, ready, no doubt, to meet his Maker should the bullet prove fatal[.] Czolgosz is evidently a man without a spark of religion, without hope in the world to come. From a human standpoint there can be no sympathy for the heartless wretch, but from the standpoint of the Christ who came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance, should not prayers also be uttered for his soul’s salvation?



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