Publication information

Youngstown Vindicator
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “For Official Use”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Youngstown, Ohio
Date of publication: 9 September 1901
Volume number: 13
Issue number: 7
Pagination: 5

“For Official Use.” Youngstown Vindicator 9 Sept. 1901 v13n7: p. 5.
full text
Glenny residence.
Named persons
George B. Cortelyou; Frank Warren Hackett; Samuel C. Lemly.

For Official Use


A Residence in Buffalo Has Been Tendered the Government.

     Buffalo, Sept. 9.—The Glenny residence, adjoining the Milburn house, has been placed at the disposal of Secretary Cortelyou and the members of the cabinet for such use as they may desire to make of it. It has not been leased, as erroneously reported. The use of it was simply tendered in the same spirit in which almost everything in the city of Buffalo has been offered. Secretary Cortelyou has moved a part of the White house [sic] staff into the residence to secure greater quiet in the Milburn house and practically all of the official work of answering dispatches and letters is being done there. The members of the cabinet also met there yesterday to discuss the request of Acting Secretary Hackett for the detail of an officer of the department of justice to aid Judge Advocate Lemly in the Schley court of inquiry. The Glenn [sic] family has not moved out. Only two or three rooms on the lower floor are being used by the White house [sic] staff.