Publication information

Free Society
Source type: magazine
Document type: editorial column
Document title: “Current Comment”
Author(s): Winn, Ross
Date of publication: 2 February 1902
Volume number: 9
Issue number: 5
Pagination: 4

Winn, Ross. “Current Comment.” Free Society 2 Feb. 1902 v9n5: p. 4.
McKinley memorialization; T. B. Wakeman; penal colonies (anarchists).
Named persons
George F. Hoar; William McKinley; T. B. Wakeman.
The excerpt below comprises two nonconsecutive portions of the editorial column. Omission of text within the excerpt is denoted with a bracketed indicator (e.g., [omit]).

Current Comment

     The committee in charge of the McKinley memorial fund complain that the big capitalists are not contributing sufficiently. The plutes no doubt think that their contributions to the McKinley campaign funds in the past are sufficient testimonial of their appreciation. McKinley alive was worth more to them than his memory.


     Brother Wakeman, editor of the Torch of Reason, has no encyclopedic fund of knowledge, in matters Anarchistic, but the fact does not weigh sufficiently upon his conscience to prevent him from spilling nearly two columns of editorial ink in the last issue of his paper, in what is evidently intended to be a humorous contribution to the current discussion of Anarchy. He thinks it would be an excellent idea for Anarchists to accept the island scheme proposed by Senator Hoar—the fossilized political freak from the land of baked beans, codfish and culture. He overlooks the fact that one small island, tho [sic] it were the largest Uncle Sam has, would not be large enough for us. We want a nice big island, with plenty of room for imigration [sic]; because, where Anarchy prevails, thither will set the tide of progressive humanity; and we would soon have with us the world’s philosophers, poets, humanitarians, and all other good people.