Publication information
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Source: Daily Picayune
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “Czolgosz’s Boyhood”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: New Orleans, Louisiana
Date of publication: 11 September 1901
Volume number: 65
Issue number: 230
Part/Section: 1
Pagination: 2

“Czolgosz’s Boyhood.” Daily Picayune 11 Sept. 1901 v65n230: part 1, p. 2.
full text
Leon Czolgosz; Albert Lemanski (public statements); Leon Czolgosz (friends, acquaintances, coworkers, etc.).
Named persons
Katherine Metzfaltr Czolgosz; Leon Czolgosz; Paul Czolgosz; Albert Lemanski; William McKinley.


Czolgosz’s Boyhood


An Aged Pole Who Knew Him Says He Was Brutal.

     Detroit, Mich., Sept. 10.—The News to-day prints an interview with Albert Lemanski, an aged Pole, who was a neighbor of the Czolgosz family when they lived in this city and for eight years subsequently. As the old man does not speak English, and the interview was secured through an interpreter, he is quoted as saying:
     “Leon Czolgosz gave his father no end of trouble. The old folks were licking him with a strap all the time, but on the whole it did no good. Mrs. Czolgosz thought Leon was crazy. He was bright in his books, but indolent. Paul Czolgosz, the father, always predicted that Leon would die on the gallows. His words were, ‘Leon, if I don’t knock it out of you with a strap, you will swing some day.’
     “Leon was a vicious boy. He used to abuse the horses if he was angry and he delighted in torturing animals around the farm. When given a severe drubbing he never cried.”
     The boy was a pervert with a little sense of a right or wrong according to the story of Lemanski.



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