Publication information

Madison County Times
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “Queen Margherita Affected”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Chittenango, New York
Date of publication: 13 September 1901
Volume number: 32
Issue number: 7
Pagination: [3]

“Queen Margherita Affected.” Madison County Times 13 Sept. 1901 v32n7: p. [3].
full text
McKinley assassination (international response); Margherita (public statements); Leo XIII (public statements); McKinley assassination (religious response); Edward VII (telegrams).
Named persons
Joseph H. Choate; Edward VII; Margherita; Ida McKinley; William McKinley.

Queen Margherita Affected

Pities Mrs. McKinley in Her Sorrow—The Pope’s Earnest Prayer.

     London, Sept. 9.—Queen Margherita upon hearing the news of the attempt upon the life of President McKinley says the Rome correspondent of the Daily News, with tears in her eyes, said: “These things come hardest on the women, and at least poor Mrs. McKinley should in her state of health, have been spared.”
     The Pope, the Daily News correspondent says, also displayed deep emotion, exclaiming, “Oh, how earnestly I pray that he may escape with his life. These violent crimes are the curse of our days. I can only offer the afflicted victim and his poor wife my humble prayers.”

King Edward to Mr. Choate

     London, Sept. 8.—The following telegram from King Edward at Fredonsborg to United States Ambassador Choate was received at ten o’clock this evening:
     “I rejoice to hear the favorable account of the president’s health. God grant that his life be preserved.”

(Signd.)                    EDWARD, Rex.