Publication information

Western New-Yorker
Source type: newspaper
Document type: editorial
Document title: none
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Warsaw, New York
Date of publication: 12 September 1901
Volume number: 61
Issue number: 37
Pagination: [4]

[untitled]. Western New-Yorker 12 Sept. 1901 v61n37: p. [4].
full text
anarchism (personal response); anarchism (dealing with); penal colonies (anarchists).
Named persons
Emma Goldman; Johann Most; Lucy E. Parsons.


     Emma Goldman, Mrs. Parsons, Johann Most and their confreres and disciples ought to be banished from the society that is so hateful to them and given an island by themselves and an opportunity to construct a social and economic system to suit themselves. The rest of us could get along without them very easily.