Publication information
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Source: Deseret Evening News
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “Was Czolgosz Insane?”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Salt Lake City, Utah
Date of publication: 29 January 1902
Volume number: 52
Issue number: 59
Pagination: 3

“Was Czolgosz Insane?” Deseret Evening News 29 Jan. 1902 v52n59: p. 3.
full text
Leon Czolgosz (mental health); Walter Channing.
Named persons
L. Vernon Briggs [middle name misspelled below]; Walter Channing; Leon Czolgosz.


Was Czolgosz Insane?

     Boston, Jan. 29.—“Was Czolgosz Insane?” was the title of a paper read by Dr. Walter Channing, head of a sanitarium here before the Norfolk district medical society in Brookline. The answer he gave was couched in these words: “After weighing all the evidence from all sources that has come to my attention I am inclined to the conclusion that it furnishes more grounds for the diagnosis of insanity than for the diagnosis of sanity.”
     Dr. Channing’s paper was a scientific examination of facts collected for him with much labor and pains by Dr. L. Varnon Briggs, of Boston. In the collection of these facts some 50 or 60 persons were interviewed, not only in Cleveland, and Buffalo, but at the prison in Auburn, the purpose being to present data gathered from original sources as far as possible.
     Much of the new evidence presented by Dr. Channing relates to the life and habits of Czolgosz.



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