Publication information

St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “The Assassin Is Recognized in Cleveland”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: St. Louis, Missouri
Date of publication: 7 September 1901
Volume number: 54
Issue number: 17
Pagination: 4

“The Assassin Is Recognized in Cleveland.” St. Louis Post-Dispatch 7 Sept. 1901 v54n17: p. 4.
full text
Leon Czolgosz (activities, whereabouts, etc.: Cleveland, OH); Frank Halser (public statements); Leon Czolgosz (friends, acquaintances, coworkers, etc.); McKinley assassination (investigation of conspiracy: Cleveland, OH); George E. Corner (public statements).
Named persons
George E. Corner; Leon Czolgosz; James Doran; Emma Goldman; Michael Goldsmith; Frank Halser; Jacob J. Lohrer; William McKinley.

The Assassin Is Recognized in Cleveland

     CLEVELAND, Sept. 7.—Leon Czolgosz, the man who shot President McKinley, is said to have formerly kept a saloon at the corner of Third avenue and Tod street, this city. Later he was employed in one of the mills of the American Steel and Wire Co. Foreman Frank Halser of the galvanized department of the consolidated mill of the latter company said today:
     “I know Leon Czolgosz very well. His father, I believe, lives in the vicinity of Warrensville, O., on a farm. There are five sons, I think, all residing in this city, two or three of them living on Hosmer street. Leon at one time was employed as a blacksmith in the consolidated mill. Later he kept a saloon at the corner of Third avenue and Tod street. Later he sold out the saloon and lived on the farm with his father.
     “I know that Leon is, or was, an anarchist. He attended socialist and anarchist meetings very frequently. He is a man of rather small stature, about 26 years of age. The last time I saw him he had a light brown mustache.”
     Information was received by the local police from Buffalo that perhaps the plot to kill the President was hatched in this city. Chief Corner, Detectives Lohrer and Doran and the plain-clothes men held a sweat-box session which lasted until an early hour this morning.
     At the close the chief would make only the following statement:
     “I am positive Czolgosz is a Clevelander; that he is well known here and has a large circle of friends.”
     The would-be assassin had on him a letter of recommendation signed by a Cleveland man. The Buffalo police transmitted this name and other information to local officers last night by telegraph.
     This man was examined rigidly last night. He was in the sweat-box for two hours. The police will not tell his name.
     It is known that at the close of the sweat-box session he promised to help the police find and arrest all of Czolgosz’s friends in the city.
     Michael Goldsmith, a local labor agitator, and socialist, was also examined. He is supposed to know something about the would-be assassin and his friends. On Czolgosz were also found several names and addresses of Cleveland parties. These were looked up by the plain-clothes men last night. Some were found to be fictitious. One was No. 170 Superior street. This number has been the meeting place of anarchistic societies.
     The Buffalo police openly claim that the plot to kill the President was hatched here. When asked about this the local officials would say nothing.
     Czolgosz’s father is said to live on a farm eight miles from this city. He has brothers and sisters in Cleveland.
     Among the addresses telegraphed to the Cleveland police by those of Buffalo was one given as No. 170 Superior street or Ontario street. This number on Superior street is Memorial Post hall, of the Grand Army organization, and the corresponding number on Ontario street is a store.
     Memorial Hall building is occupied by a number of tenants and it was in this building that Emma Goldman once lectured.
     A dozen or more addresses found on the man under arrest by the Buffalo police were telegraphed to the Cleveland police and each of these is being run down. None of them have yet led to anything that the police have given out, but it is thought the tall man in the sweat box was brought in on such information.