Publication information
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Source: St. Paul Globe
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “Does a Ghastly ‘Turn’”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: St. Paul, Minnesota
Date of publication: 14 November 1901
Volume number: 24
Issue number: 318
Pagination: 1

“Does a Ghastly ‘Turn.’” St. Paul Globe 14 Nov. 1901 v24n318: p. 1.
full text
Waldeck Czolgosz; Czolgosz family (at Auburn, NY); Leon Czolgosz (waxworks); Leon Czolgosz (popular culture); McKinley assassination (popular culture); Waldeck Czolgosz (public statements).
Named persons
Jack Boone; Leon Czolgosz; Waldeck Czolgosz; William McKinley.


Does a Ghastly “Turn”



Special to The Globe.
     AUBURN, N. Y., Nov. 13.—Waldeck Czolgosz, brother of assassin is the star attraction at Jack Boone’s concert hall this week, and is proving an immense attraction. He uses in his act a wax figure of his brother Leon. At the opening of the act every light in the house is turned out and the wax figure is shown under the rays of the calcium. When the lights are again turned on Waldeck steps to the footlights and addresses the audience as follows: “Ladies and gentlemen: I came here tonight for the purpose of trying to satisfy the people that I am not to blame for the rash act of my brother and I fully uphold the action of the law. If it was my duty to deal justice I would apply the same treatment for such people and kindly do not blame me.” There was no demonstration of any kind against him.



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