Publication information

Washington Post
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “Doctors Excluded Ministers”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Washington, DC
Date of publication: 17 September 1901
Volume number: none
Issue number: 9229
Pagination: 1

“Doctors Excluded Ministers.” Washington Post 17 Sept. 1901 n9229: p. 1.
full text
Samuel L. Beiler; William McKinley (religious attendance upon); McKinley assassination (religious response); McKinley assassination (personal response); Pan-American Exposition (emergency hospital); McKinley assassination (public response: Buffalo, NY); Milburn residence (visitors).
Named persons
Samuel L. Beiler; Charles Edward Locke; William McKinley; John N. Scatcherd; C. V. Wilson.

Doctors Excluded Ministers


Why No Clergyman Saw the President After He Was Wounded.

Special to The Washington Post.
     New York, Sept. 16.—The Rev. Dr. S. L. Beiler, pastor of the Richmond Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church of Buffalo, was in this city to-day, and was asked about the reports that no minister had seen President McKinley from the time he was shot until he died. He said this was true, but it had not been the fault of the ministers.
     Dr. Beiler said he was at the emergency hospital by the time the President was put on the operating table. He found two other ministers at the ropes trying to get to the hospital. He sent his card to Mr. Scatcherd and was admitted to the hospital, and waited within call until they were ready to remove the President. He then hurried to the Milburn house. He called almost daily during the week, and was in touch with those who were near the President and his family.
     The Rev. Dr. C. V. Wilson, who was pastor of the President for three years in Canton, and Dr. Locke, whose father was a pastor in Canton, also called several times, Dr. Beiler said, but did not see the President. The failure of any minister to see the President, he declared, was due to the restrictive orders issued by the surgeons.