Publication information

Iowa State Register
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “Sticks to His First Story”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Des Moines, Iowa
Date of publication: 10 September 1901
Volume number: 46
Issue number: 213
Pagination: 1

“Sticks to His First Story.” Iowa State Register 10 Sept. 1901 v46n213: p. 1.
full text
Leon Czolgosz (interrogation); McKinley assassination (investigation of conspiracy); Leon Czolgosz (incarceration: Buffalo, NY); Thomas Penney (public statements).
Named persons
William S. Bull; Leon Czolgosz; Emma Goldman; William McKinley; Thomas Penney; Justus Schwab [identified as Julius below].

Sticks to His First Story


Would-Be Assassin of President McKinley Has Made No New Admissions.
Still Insists He Alone Conceived, Planned and Accomplished the
Crime—Police Looking for Emma Goldman.
Says No One Else Knew of His Contemplated Crime.

     Buffalo, Sept. 9.—Czolgosz, the assailant of President McKinley, went through another long examination today at the hands of the police officials, but emerged from it without having added anything material to their knowledge of the case. The chief effort of the detectives was to draw from the prisoner some admission as to his accomplices, but he persistently stuck to his denial that he was assisted in any way in the commission of his crime. Every possible device was resorted to in the effort to obtain the information, but the prisoner maintained his position and could not be shaken. In answer to questions he again went over the events of Friday, and told substantially the same story as in the original confession made to Superintendent Bull and District Attorney Penney.
     Czolgosz carefully weighed his answers, and when conclusions that he did not approve were taken from his statements, insisted upon making explanations of his exact meaning. The police have about concluded that more effective work on the plot theory can be done on the outside, although Czolgosz probably will have another experience with the third degree of police craft tomorrow. The general investigation of the case progresses slowly, because the men on it must cover a large amount of preliminary ground before they can do effective work.
     According to the local authorities, the police of the country know very little about the anarchists. Since the president was shot, the Buffalo police have found that there are at least twenty avowed anarchists in the city. Here, as elsewhere, it has been necessary for the detectives to first satisfy themselves as to the identity of a lot of men whom they never had occasion to watch before. No other arrests have been made in connection with the case, and the local police say they do not anticipate any for the present. It is believed that both Emma Goldman and Julius Schwab will be detained by the police whenever they are found. Superintendent Bull has made a general request to the police of the country that any one suspected of complicity be detained and examined. The police of Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit and other middle states cities are co-operating with the local officers in tracing the movements of the prisoner before the crime, and Superintendent Bull said today that they had practically accounted for him for the six weeks preceding his arrival here.
     Czolgosz is still kept secluded, and the detectives are the only ones to have access to him. He is still strong and healthy and eats heartily. Knowledge of the condition of the president is kept from him. He knew on Friday night that the president was still alive, but has been given no information since then. Not once since his confinement, either in talking with his guards or when up for examination, has he asked as to the fate of his victim. No plan for the arraignment of the prisoner has been considered by District Attorney Penney. When seen tonight that official said: “We are still investigating the case, and until the inquiry by the police is concluded and something definite as to the results of the president’s wounds is known, nothing will be done about the prosecution of the prisoner. All discussion of the subject is premature. I have not yet even taken the matter up for consideration.”