Publication information

Omaha Sunday Bee
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “Public Memorial at Canton”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Omaha, Nebraska
Date of publication: 8 December 1901
Volume number: none
Issue number: none
Part/Section: 1
Pagination: 2

“Public Memorial at Canton.” Omaha Sunday Bee 8 Dec. 1901: part 1, p. 2.
full text
McKinley National Memorial Association; McKinley memorialization; William McKinley National Memorial Arch Association; resolutions (McKinley National Memorial Association).
Named persons
Cornelius N. Bliss [middle initial wrong below]; George B. Cortelyou; William R. Day; Sanford B. Dole; Henry M. Duffield; Charles W. Fairbanks; Marcus Hanna; Myron T. Herrick; Frank W. Hunt; William H. Hunt; Robert J. Lowry [identified below as Henry J. Lowery]; Ida McKinley; William McKinley; John G. Milburn; Henry C. Payne; Alexander H. Revell; Ryerson Ritchie; Henry T. Scott; Samuel R. Van Sant.

Public Memorial at Canton


McKinley National Association Wants Popular Monument There.
General Subscriptions Should All Be Turned in for the One Object, the
Tomb at His Old Home.

     WASHINGTON, Dec. 7.—The board of trustees of the McKinley National Memorial association is in session here today, Judge William R. Day of Canton presiding. Among those present were Cornelius M. Bliss, New Yor [sic]; Senator Hanna, Ohio; Henry C. Payne, Milwaukee; Myron T. Herrick, Cleveland; Alexander H. Revell, Chicago; General Henry M. Duffield, Detroit; George B. Cortelyou, John G. Milburn, Buffalo; Senator Fairbanks, Indianapolis; Henry J. Lowery, Atlanta, and Henry T. Scott, San Francisco.
     Ryerson Ritchie, the secretary, reported that the work of organization had so far advanced that within ten days the whole country will be covered by the state and local committees. From Hawaii Governor Sanford Dole, who has accepted an honorary membership of the board of trustees, writes that he expects a most satisfactory contribution, as the people of Hawaii thought a great deal of President McKinley. Governor Hunt of Porto Rico is equally sanguine and from Alaska the thousands who have gone to the gold fields assure the association their hearty co-operation. From New England the people have already responded generously. Similar assurances come from many other quarters. Many of the schools have taken up the plan enthusiastically. In Minnesota Governor Van Sant has given assurances of $20,000 from the school children alone. Governor Hunt of Idaho has set apart a special day for school contribution. Arrangements will be made today for harmonizing the work at Canton and at Washington.

Arch Association Proposes Division.

     A deputation from the William McKinley Memorial Arch association formally proposed to the meeting a co-operation of the two memorial associations in the collection of funds and that the total thus collected should be divided, one-third to go to the construction of a tomb at Canton and two-thirds to the construction of an arch at Washington. A sub-committee met late this afternoon to take action on the proposition.
     Later in the afternoon and after a full discussion of the proposition the McKinley National Memorial association decided not to accept it, and adopted the following resolution:

     Resolved, That it is the sense of the trustees of the McKinley National Memorial association that the field of popular subscription should be left to it for raising the sum necessary to provide a suitable memorial to the late president at Canton, where his body lies, and that this association should join with the William McKinley Memorial Arch association of Washington in memorializing congress to erect a national memorial at the capital of our country to commemorate his services to the nation.

     It was insisted by Judge Day, Senator Hanna and others that all popular subscriptions should be applied to the erection of a memorial at Canton, where the late president lived for so many years and where he lies buried and where Mrs. McKinley will eventually rest beside him. While it was hoped that congress would take the matter in hand an erect in the national capital some fitting memorial to the martyred president the opinion was general that the people of the nation would prefer that their contributions should be used to suitably mark his tomb in Canton.
     The resolution will be presented to the Memorial Arch association at a meeting to be held next Monday afternoon.