Publication information

Free Society
Source type: magazine
Document type: letter
Document title: “Open Letter to Senator Hoar”
Author(s): Kinghorn-Jones, J. Alfred
Date of publication: 9 February 1902
Volume number: 9
Issue number: 6
Pagination: 2-3

Kinghorn-Jones, J. Alfred. “Open Letter to Senator Hoar.” Free Society 9 Feb. 1902 v9n6: pp. 2-3.
full text
McKinley assassination (personal response: anarchists); McKinley assassination (government response: criticism); George F. Hoar; William McKinley (relations with Marcus Hanna); penal colonies (anarchists); anarchism.
Named persons
William Blackstone; Ralph Waldo Emerson; Marcus Hanna; George F. Hoar; Jesus Christ; J. Alfred Kinghorn-Jones; W. E. H. Lecky; Juan de Mariana; William McKinley; Alexander Pope; John Scott (b) [identified as Eldon below].
In accordance with the original source, the last block quotation on page 2 (below) lacks an opening quotation mark.

Open Letter to Senator Hoar

     Why go raving mad because one man is shot? All your life you have upheld and worked to maintain a system of government and greed, that is every year murdering tens of thousands of innocent children, loving women, and noble, brave men—all equally precious in the sight of the God you profess to worship, as you or McKinley—you are illogical, do you not know the president’s death was God’s will—McKinley said so; consider, if you can, the subject calmly, open your mind’s eye and deduce the facts; McKinley was Hanna’s putty tool. He always advocated bimetallism, in and out of congress, until Hanna approached him with the offer to free him from his financial difficulties and make him president, if he would champion the gold standard, the powerful lever of “corporations” and “trusts.”
     Senators and parsons would crucify Jesus No. 1, if he appeared for the second time today; or Jesus No. 2 at his first appearance; if either attempted to whip Usury out of The Temple of Humanity.
     Hanna selects McKinley to do his will; and God selects Czolgosz to do his will, by slaying the great oppressor of Labor; “and God said,” by the mouth of his servant Czolgosz, “for the sake of the good working people”; this a plain logical deduction—and a few quotations from Lecky’s “Rationalism in Europe,” may put the matter so plainly before your unbalanced mind that possibly you may begin to reason on correct lines and draw reasonable deductions. At present you are busy with the work of providing some island on which to banish Anarchists—the salt of the earth—you would go completely rotten without them, every mother’s son of you.

     A disinterested love of truth can hardly coexist with a strong political feeling.—Vol. I., p. 133.

     The first condition of liberty is the establishment of some higher principle of action than fear.—Vol. I., p. 138.

     If some ferocious beast had been let loose upon the land and was devastating all around him, who would hesitate to applaud the man, who, at ths [sic] risk of his life had ventured to slay it?—Vol. I., p. 152.

     Happy indeed would it be for mankind were there many of such unflinching resolution as to sacrifice life and happiness for the liberty of their country: but the desire of safety withholds most men from great deeds, and this is why of the past multitudes of tyrants so few have perished by the sword. It is, however, a salutary thought for princes to dwell upon, that if they oppress the people and make themselves intolerable by their vices, to slay them is not only without guilt, but it is an act of the highest merit (Mariana)”—Vol. I., p. 154.

     Some presidents have more power than any prince, and are more imperialistic than an emperor.
     Go for Lecky, Senator Hoar! isn’t [sic] he just awful?
     The prosperity of today is for the rich only. Labor is robbed of more of his products than ever before in the history of the world, not omitting even the slaves who had to make bricks without straw.
     Make large provisions, senator, as to space for the Anarchists, for they will astonish you even more than the noble, liberty loving Boers have astonished the world. How is it no American Rough Riders have been equipped to help them? but [sic] the Spaniards were weak, and, it was the opening scene of a deep laid plot to steal, with murder, extending as far as the Philippines; the English at present are strong—240,000 trained butchers, against 38,000 Boer farmers; in these last days it is not flattering to be called an Englishman or an American.
     Senator, you will not be able to find an island large enough; you had better give California to the Anarchists, it has taken fifty years of government to work the population up to one and a half millions—the Anarchists freed from the vices of government and its cub the Southern Pacific Railroad, would increase the population to three millions in three years, and pay off all present inhabitants wishing to leave for [2][3] the property they left, barring the land, because, senator, you know your God said, “The land shall not be sold.”
     Senator, do you know the definition of Anarchy? The poet Pope, gives a short clear explanation, thus:

Oh! happy state where souls each other draw,
When Love is Liberty and Nature Law.

     Read Blackstone, Senator Hoar, and learn what Anarchism really means.

     The law of nature, being co-eval with mankind, and dictated by God himself, is superior in obligation to every other. It is binding all over the globe, in all countries, and at all times: NO HUMAN LAWS ARE OF ANY VALIDITY IF CONTRARY TO THIS, and such of them as are valid derive their force and all their authority, mediately or immediately, from the original.

     Blackstone was an Anarchist, for present day Anarchists subscribe to the above with the exception, that they consider “and dictated by God himself” as redundant. See Century Dictionary also.
     Do you know, senator, that there is no liberty, but individual, and that you cannot make any law to force people to be good and loving? Has not the fact yet penetrated your thinking matter, that you and your class—man-law-makers—have been the manufacturers of all the civilized criminals and will continue to make them at an increasing ratio, as you throw men out of work and rob them of their inheritance—land?
     The United States law-makers are “boodle clubs,” whose members are bribors [sic], bribees, thieves, their degrees are relatively, biggest, bigger, big, as they happen to be tagged federal, State, or municipal.
     Lord Eldon said in his old age, “that if he were to begin life again he would be damned but he would begin an agitator.” The New Orleans Harlequin has the following to say about “The Kicker”:

     What’s the use of a kicker, do you ask? He is the great advance agent of progress; he is the disciple of every good and sound reform; he is the rectifier of every wrong which has been righted; he is the Nemesis of the wrong-doer; he is the founder of human liberty; he framed the Magna Charta and penned and signed that immortal instrument—the Declaration of Independence; he tolled liberty bell until it split its cheeks; he is the soil in which has sprung up every great and glorious idea; he is in league with nature and with nature’s god, who will not permit the violation of principles without a reckoning. What is the use of a kicker? The true kicker, the kicker who, when he has seen a truth, never ceases to fight for it as long as life lasts, is the very salvation of the race.

     Emerson says:

     The farmer imagines power and place are fine things. But the president has paid dear for his White House. It has commonly cost him all his peace, and the best of his manly attributes. To preserve for a short time so conspicuous an appearance before the world, he is content to eat dust before the real masters who stand erect behind the throne.

     Yes, power is degrading; and Anarchism is the noblest ideal of man.
     God is and unnatural laws hold all their power thru [sic] fear. Anarchis ts [sic] recognize no power but love.
     Choose ye this day which shall guide you.


     San Francisco, Cal., 36 Geary St.